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What Are Authorized User Tradelines For Sale

Jul 15

A tradeline is a credit-boosting line of credit that’s added to your own credit report as an authorized user. Its purpose is to add “positive” credit history to your score, allowing you to qualify for loans and credit cards faster. Adding the right authorized user tradelines for sale can be a game-changer in your financial journey. But before you buy, make sure to do your research to ensure you’re working with a trusted provider. Look for customer reviews, certifications and affiliations, and a clear process for acquiring tradelines.

What Are Authorized User Tradelines?

A credit piggybacking company acts as a go-between for people with good credit who are willing to let others be added to their account as an authorized user (for a fee) and consumers who need to boost their credit scores. It’s an alternative to building your own credit by establishing your own accounts and keeping them open for years, which is the best way to build a solid credit history.

But while a credit piggybacking strategy can work, it also has some serious drawbacks that can make it a risky proposition. For one, many credit experts say it’s deceptive to trick the credit bureaus and that it can backfire if the primary account holder decides to close or dispute the secondary account. And if you’re added to a credit card with a balance in excess of 30% of its credit limit, your utilization rate will increase, which can lower your score.

Buying and selling tradelines is also expensive, with prices varying depending on the age and credit limits of the accounts being sold. And even though you aren’t responsible for the debt on the account as an authorized user, any irresponsible behavior by the primary credit card holder can negatively impact your credit.

For these reasons, many experts recommend avoiding tradinglines altogether and instead focusing on traditional methods of building your credit. That includes paying your bills on time and keeping your debts below 30% of the credit limit on each of your accounts. And if you’re looking for a short-term fix to boost your credit, consider working with a professional credit repair service that can analyze your credit and dispute questionable items on your behalf.