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What Is Pest Control

Feb 19

Pests can be more than an annoyance; they can spread diseases and damage homes, buildings and crops. Pest Control Services Plantation is the set of practices that a homeowner or business uses to prevent unwanted organisms from damaging property or entering the living or working area. It includes prevention, suppression and, in some cases, extermination.

Prevention focuses on keeping pests out of a building or area, and often includes removing food, water and shelter that attracts them. It can also include caulking cracks and crevices and repairing broken windows and screens. Preventive pest control can reduce the need for more expensive, chemical-based methods of controlling pests.

Suppression aims to reduce the number of pests to an acceptable level, usually by using chemicals. This is a common goal in many pest situations, but is also achieved through other means such as trapping, baiting, or even biological controls. Suppression is often combined with prevention, as pests can quickly build up to unacceptable levels despite preventive measures.

Extermination aims to kill all of the pests in an area or building, and can be accomplished through a variety of means, such as trapping, spraying, drenching, fumigating, or physically removing them. Some of these methods can be very effective, although they can also cause harm to the environment and may not be the best option for humane pest control.

Rodents, like rats and mice, can gnaw through wires to cause electrical problems, as well as bring disease into the home such as hantavirus, leptospirosis and Salmonella. Cockroaches can contaminate foods, making them unfit for consumption. Fleas and ticks can carry a number of serious illnesses such as plague, typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever through bites. In addition, some pests interfere with agricultural production by eating or destroying crops.

Integrated Pest Management

An approach that seeks to avoid the use of pesticides by using a combination of techniques such as habitat manipulation, changes in cultural practices, and resistance management. This method of controlling pests combines preventive and suppressive strategies with monitoring to determine when treatment is needed. It allows the use of more targeted, less-toxic pesticides when necessary, reducing risks to people, beneficial insects, and non-target organisms.

Properly stored and used pesticides can be safe and effective tools in pest control, but only if they are properly applied according to the product's instructions. Never apply more pesticide than recommended, and always store it out of reach of children and pets.

In some cases, a complete pest infestation can only be controlled through the use of chemicals. When this is the case, only a professional can safely and effectively carry out extermination services. Proper maintenance of a home can also help to reduce the need for chemical pest control, as it can prevent the accumulation of food, water and shelter sources that attract pests. This includes fixing leaky pipes and storing food in sealed containers, as well as regularly removing garbage. Preventive pest control can also help by reducing clutter, which provides places for pests to hide and breed.