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Disability Employment Services: Helping you Secure a Job

Aug 5

Are you looking for a job but haven't had much luck? If you're living with a disability, finding secure employment can be even harder. Disability Employment Services (DES) are here to help. These services support people with disabilities to gain and maintain meaningful employment - all while providing you with a sense of personal satisfaction from the work you do. In this article, we'll cover an overview of DES in Australia and its impact on individuals and the larger community.


Understanding Disability Employment Services

DES are government-funded services that provide employment assistance to people living with a disability. This includes helping people to gain and retain employment, by providing tailored support and job-searching assistance. The aim is to help people with disabilities find jobs that match their skills and abilities, as well as their location, interests and needs. To learn more about how these services can help you to find work, please visit Good Sammy

How Disability Employment Services Work

The process begins with an eligibility assessment, where you'll be asked a few questions to determine whether or not you are eligible for access to the service. If you're eligible, you'll then be connected with an employment consultant who will work with you to create a tailored Job Plan.

1. Eligibility Assessment
The first step when accessing DES is to complete an eligibility assessment. This involves answering a few questions to determine whether or not you're eligible to access the service. To be eligible, you must have a disability, impairment or long-term health condition which affects your ability to work, and be between 15 and 64 years old.

2. Tailored Job Plan
Once you've been assessed as eligible, you'll be connected with an employment consultant who will work with you to create a tailored Job Plan. This plan will feature goals and objectives, as well as strategies to help you find and successfully apply for employment.

3. Job Search Assistance
Your employment consultant will also provide support with job searching, including helping you to identify potential employers, write resumes and cover letters, and prepare for job interviews. They will also provide techniques to develop your job-seeking skills, such as helping you to build professional networks, practice effective communication and participate in job placement programs.

4. Post-Employment Support
Once you've secured a job, your employment consultant will continue to provide support. This might involve exploring ways to better fit into the workplace or adjust to any changes that occur. This could include reviewing your Job Plan, making adjustments as needed, and providing ongoing post-employment support.

The Impact of Disability Employment Services

DES has been designed to help people with disabilities access secure and meaningful employment. There are many advantages for individuals and the wider community from these services.


1. Enhanced Employability
One of the main benefits of DES is that it helps people with disabilities to become more employable. By taking advantage of the assistance available, individuals are able to refine their job-seeking skills and increase their chances of securing employment. This helps to address the employment gap between people with and without disabilities and can make the process of finding work less daunting.

2. Workplace Inclusivity
As well as enhancing employability, DES helps to promote workplace inclusivity and diversity. By supporting people with disabilities to find work, companies are likely to become more open to hiring people from diverse backgrounds. This sends a positive message to the wider community by showing that the company values diversity and embraces inclusion.

3. Reduced Stigma
In addition, the customized and targeted support from DES can help to reduce the stigma associated with disability. By offering personalized support, DES shows that people with disabilities can overcome the challenges they face to lead successful and fulfilling careers in the workforce.


Disability Employment Services are available to help people living with a disability gain and maintain meaningful employment. Through tailored job plans, job search assistance and post-employment support, DES can provide an invaluable service to individuals looking to secure a job. At the same time, these services benefit the wider community in terms of enhanced employability, workplace inclusivity and reduced stigma.