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What is Benefits of Concrete Leveling

Jun 16

Uneven concrete isn’t just unsightly, it can be a dangerous trip hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. However, breaking and replacing the concrete is costly and time-consuming.

Instead, homeowners can level their concrete with polyurethane foam. This method can be cost-effective and quicker than traditional mudjacking. It also offers a number of benefits.


If the concrete slab around your home or business starts sinking, it’s a good idea to call in a professional immediately. Otherwise, the problem will get worse and may cost more to repair later.

One method used to lift sunken concrete is mudjacking. This involves drilling holes into the slab and pumping a slurry under the concrete to lift it up. It costs less than having new concrete poured, but isn’t a permanent solution.

Another option is polyleveling, which uses polyurethane foam instead of mud. This method is more expensive than mudjacking but is more permanent.

It’s also a safer option for load-bearing surfaces such as foundations, basement floors and garage floors. It’s also better for patios, outdoor kitchens and driveways. It doesn’t require a permit and can be done quickly. It also lasts for up to 10 years.


When leveling concrete, it is important to use safety measures. It is a good idea to wear protective gear, especially gloves and a face mask. This is because the concrete can irritate your skin and also be irritating to your lungs. If you do come into contact with it, wash your skin immediately.

It is also a good idea to work with a partner when using concrete leveling compound. The compound dries quickly, and it is difficult to mix and apply correctly if you are working alone.

Before applying the concrete leveling compound, you should sweep and vacuum the area to remove dirt and debris. It is also a good idea to clean any oil stains with a commercial concrete oil stain remover or acid wash. This will help the compound adhere to the surface. Once the surface is clean, you should apply the concrete leveling primer with a soft-bristle push broom. This will ensure that the primer reaches all areas of the slab and also gets into the pores.


Concrete Leveling Contractors Mentor fixes sunken slabs by filling spaces underneath the slab. This repairs the voids that can cause your slab to sink, and it stabilizes soil that could otherwise collapse beneath the heavy slab. It costs less than replacing a sunken slab and lasts longer.

Uneven concrete can ruin the look of a home or business, but it also presents a safety hazard for anyone who visits. A trip or fall caused by unleveled concrete is expensive and embarrassing to deal with, so it’s important to take care of these issues as quickly as possible.

Mudjacking and poly leveling use a heavy mixture of cement and mud to lift slabs. However, this method isn’t as sustainable as concrete leveling foam, which uses a lightweight polyurethane foam to lift slabs. This method doesn’t damage surrounding landscaping and is completed quicker than mudjacking. This makes it a better choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental footprint and save money on repairs.

Environmental Impact

Concrete leveling is a process that uses specialized equipment to lift uneven and sunken sections of your concrete surfaces. It’s known by many names, including mudjacking and slabjacking, but the end result is the same: a safe and level surface that improves the aesthetic of your property.

Over time, soil settlement causes voids beneath the slab that sinks. These voids are filled with polyurethane foam that lifts the slab and stabilizes the soil underneath. This prevents future deterioration and eliminates the need for expensive replacements or repairs.

Uneven or sunken concrete can create tripping hazards and detract from the overall appearance of your home or business. In addition, it may lead to more serious structural issues if ignored. Concrete leveling addresses these problems early on, saving you money and preventing future damage to your property. It’s also a greener alternative to replacing or breaking up the existing concrete and pouring new material.