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Keep Safe By Knowing All About Home Security

Dec 6

If you had to find a way to keep your home secure and safe, what would you use? Some people would buy a gun or some other kind of weapon, but this doesn't help if you are away from home. For times like these, you need home security, which you can learn about below.

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Be sure your home appears to always be occupied. Keep your radio, TV and lights on timers. This makes people think you're home. This will help safeguard your house to the best of your ability.

You can hide your spare key on your dog. If your dog lives outside or is able to come and go through a dog door, this is a viable idea. Put a key on the dog's collar so you have access to it when necessary!

If you want your home to be safe and secure, it is important to have a security analysis preformed by a reputable company. This will assess the weak points of your home security and will help you understand what areas need more protection and what areas have sufficient protection to keep you safe.

Really take an inventory of what people can see through your windows. If you can obviously see expensive technology like flat screen TVs and pricey desktops, then you are inviting trouble. Instead, hide that tech and expensive furnishings out of view. Your home will be a lot less attractive to potential thieves.

If your social networking accounts are filled with folks you do not really know, do not announce vacations on the sites. While these platforms are there for sharing, this is announcing to the world that your home is an open target.

Do not open your door for strangers. You have no way of knowing if the stranger on the other side of the door wishes to do you harm. Make a house rule forbidding anyone to open the door for an unexpected visitor.

If your front door does not have a peephole, it is wise to have one installed. Peepholes allow you to see who's at your front door before you open it. Some home owners choose to have two peepholes installed to allow for difference in height of those that live in the home.

Make sure that your windows are thick and secure to reduce the chance of a break in. If you want to have extra protection, install a system that reads when a window is broken, signifying an intrusion. Try to upgrade your windows every 3 years as it serves as a vital part of your home's security system.

When you have little children, there is always a concern that they will somehow wander away from the house. If you do not want to invest in an entire home security system, you can buy inexpensive single alarms. You can place these alarms on doors and windows, and they will go off if one of the kids opens them.

Pretend you are a burglar. By taking on the role of an intruder, you can check for vulnerable areas around your property. Really think hard about ways you would get into your home if you were a criminal. Check the garage as well as sheds or other places you keep valuable possessions.

Where are your door's hinges? If the hinges for your door are on the outside of your home, you should move them to the inside of your house. Having outside hinges is an easy way for burglars to grant access to your home. All they have to do is knock the pin out of the hinge.

The alarm system you choose should protect more than just the doors to your home. All of your windows are possible entry points for a thief too. Have alarms installed for each window and any other entry point. With this method, your family will be safer.

Install metal security bars on all sliding doors and widows. Sliding doors and windows are vulnerable to being forced open by a determined intruder. A simple metal bar, set into the track, adds considerable security for a small price. Make sure that the bar is long enough that the door or window cannot be opened far enough to fit through.

Make sure your home's exterior is well lit. Burglars prefer the cover that night provides their criminal activities. Be sure all vulnerable exterior areas of your home are equipped with good lighting. Some examples include first story windows, garages, doorways and porches.

Weapons can only do so much to protect your home. They won't be very useful if you aren't at home to use them. That's why home security systems exist. They can keep your home and your possessions safe when you can't be there to protect them. Use this article and take home security seriously.

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