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Houston's Safe Zone: Unarmed Security Guard Services

Nov 17

Unarmed Security Guards in Houston, Texas, provide security personnel to help protect your property and belongings while you are away. With our unarmed guards, there is no need for weapons on the premises. Unarmed guards in Houston keep a watchful eye over your business or home while keeping their hands free for other tasks.

Unarmed Security Guard Services

Unarmed security guards in Houston provide the same services as armed bodyguards and handle other duties such as checking identification badges and monitoring visitor access to restricted areas. They may frequently patrol different locations within a building or property at regular intervals throughout the day or night hours. Hotels can use Unarmed security guards in Houston, office buildings, shopping malls/centers, residential complexes with gated communities, banks that want an extra layer of protection for employees who must deal directly with customers on-site (e.g., bank tellers), government agencies responsible for public safety issues (police departments) and large industrial companies where high-level executives work closely together during regular business inside secure offices surrounded by personal assistants, caterers, and other staff members who come in direct contact with the clientele.

Why unarmed security guards are important

Unarmed security guards in Houston, Texas, are just as crucial for your company’s safety, if not more than armed security officers. Unarmed guards can adequately monitor and assess situations, control crowds without the need to use force, search people entering your premises and also access any suspicious activity or item that could pose a threat while remaining unnoticeable. Unarmed guards can also communicate more effectively than armed security officers, essential when evacuating your premises. Unarmed guards can provide a quick response team in case of an emergency. They allow you the flexibility of hiring people who may not be comfortable with carrying guns or other weapons on their person while working for your company.



How to choose an unarmed security guard company

Unarmed security guards in Houston, Texas, offer protection of property and persons without firearms or any other weapons. Security companies will require proof of licensure for armed guards; therefore, only licensed individuals may provide the service. Unarmed personnel is more affordable than their armed counterparts because they do not need to complete extensive training required by law enforcement agencies to carry authorized use of force equipment such as firearms.

The benefits of using unarmed security guards in Houston, Texas

Unarmed security guards in Houston can also be more approachable, which is helpful for schools or other locations where the public may have trust issues with guns on site. Unarmed provides excellent protection against criminals who choose targets based on size and strength rather than an actual weapon present. A trained officer will still call attention to themselves while enforcing the personal safety of others around them utilizing verbal commands/interaction before any physical contact takes place resulting from a potential threat. Unarmed security guards can be more mobile and able to position themselves in ideal locations for their protection. In contrast, armed officers need time and space to draw a weapon or move into place, leaving them at risk if they try to chase someone who runs away from the scene of an attack. Unarmed security is also preferred when protecting children since there's no confusion about whether the guard has a real firearm with them.

Ranger Guard and Investigations
4660 Beechnut St Suite 200, Houston, TX 77096